Malorees School

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Parent & Carers Voluntary Contribution

From time to time, parents & carers have contacted the school to ask how they might be able to offer their support by financially contributing to the school.    

One of the ways which would help us to continue to invest in school improvements is through the introduction of a voluntary parental contribution. We are therefore following the precedent set by a great many other schools across the country by inviting you to consider making a voluntary contribution to the school. Funds raised will be used to support a range of school needs including  classroom resources, books and enrichment. 

All donations, whether a one-off payment or a monthly contribution, can be Gift Aided which means that the government adds an additional 25% of the value of the donation to the school in tax relief. This is applicable as long as the donor has paid at least as much in income tax or capital gains tax in the same tax year as the school will claim back in Gift Aid.

Please note that our request is for an entirely voluntary contribution. We are sensitive to the pressures on families in challenging financial circumstances and we respect that a contribution at this time might not be possible.

Any contributions, however small, will be hugely appreciated. In the meantime, please also be assured that we are always looking at creative ways to use the funds we do receive as effectively as possible at a time of ever-increasing budget pressures..