Malorees School

School Uniform

It is a requirement that our children at Malorees wear the correct school uniform.

This should be:

-White polo shirt

-Grey or black skirt / trouser / pinafore dress

-Royal blue school jumper with logo

-Black flat shoes / trainers / boots

Foundation stage:

-Black or grey jogging bottoms

-White polo shirt

-Black trainers / shoes / plimsolls

- Royal blue school jumper with logo

EYFS Uniform Visual

PE kit should be:

-Leggings or track suit bottoms (black, grey or navy)

-White t-shirt

-School jumper

-Black trainers / plimsolls

Our Uniform is provided by Ace Clothing.

Our PSFA also organises termly second-hand uniform sales and you can find out the times of the next sale by emailing 

You can order in the following ways:

  • Online at
  • By Phone 02080450296 payment by credit debit card
  • By email, - please provide a contact number for them to collect payment.
  • You can also visit their shop during term-time between 9.30am - 5.00pm Mon-Fri

NB:  If your child is in receipt of Pupil Premium funding the school will fund one set of school uniform per year. Please ask in the office for details.